Wednesday 22 May 2013

Retirement - Looking in Several Directions

As I step into the next phase of my journey in life, I find myself looking in several directions.

I look back over the years – where I feel privileged to have served as an educator for so many amazing young people – children who brought excitement to what has always been much more than a job, who created challenges which led to personal growth, and who provided me with so much joy and laughter through the years.

I look sideways with respect for my colleagues – those present, and those in the past, who have continually inspired me to be innovative, and who have been generous with their time and with their patience.

I look forward with a sense of completion and accomplishment, and I feel excited about the future as I embrace the time-freedom that retirement brings.

I would like to thank all the parents of students I have taught for loaning their children to me for a time, and for their wonderful support over the years.

I feel tremendous appreciation for the teachers and principals with whom I have worked and thank them for all they have done for me – both personally and professionally. 
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