Friday 15 October 2021

A Taste of Mongolie!

 A Taste of Mongolie!

These days, we don't eat out very often and so, when we do, we like to do due diligence by looking at various menus and venues. 

Yesterday, after combing through the Village, in Whistler, we settled upon the Mongolie Grill. 

This is how their website explains the process at the eatery: 

This process gelled with our wish to remain healthy and in charge of our own portions. 

After showing our I.D., and proof of Covid-19 vaccinations, we were seated in a booth and enjoyed a glass of water while we awaited our turn to go up to the buffet with the provided bowl.

Mark chose a variety of veggies to accompany his spicy chicken, while I did the same for a beef teriyaki. There was a good choice available including tomatoes, red/green/spicy peppers, bean sprouts, black beans, broccoli, Jalopeno peppers, carrots, ginger, noodles, onions, garlic, and a host of other tasty options, adding the flavoured sauce of our choice to finish it off. We also got to choose our meat or seafood, so this is a good place for those who may be vegetarian or vegan.

We then took the bowl to the chef where he weighed its contents and issued us a bill to take back to our table for the waitress. 

Then, the fun part began. The large circular grill was empty when it was our turn and our chef, Phil, emptied the bowls onto the surface where the ingredients began to cook while he turned, chopped, rearranged, and chopped them again. 

Moving from one meal to another, he then performed an entertaining routine by flipping the spatulas around. It was an added bonus while waiting for our delicacies to be grilled. 

If you cannot view the video clip above, please click this link:

Once we returned to our table with the served meal, the rice of our choice was ready for us in a covered bowl, with a ladle for our use. 

We both agreed that it was super tasty and, together with the entertainment provided, and concluded that it was good value and well worth the visit. 

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  1. That would be a fabulous place to dine!! Looks delicious!

    1. It was an unforgettable experience - so much fun!

  2. That would be a fabulous place to dine!! Looks delicious!
