Saturday 18 January 2014

Road Trip - Day 17 - Fort Myers

Road Trip - Day 17 - January 17th, 2014
Fort Myers, Florida

A nice relaxing day spent with dear friends. It was such a good feeling to just chill out and enjoy the time without packing up the car and heading out to the road. Unfortunately, Sylvia slipped when getting out of the pool the night before and sprained (we think) her hand. So we took her to the local emergency where they treated her and she is now feeling a welcome relief. While waiting, we took some pics of the gardens and lake within the hospital grounds. 

We were wondering if these were 'alligator barriers'?

Later, we walked a couple of blocks to the local grocery store. 

Vera's Street

Covered back yard with pool

Large house on the corner of the street

Back yard

Coconut tree

We were pleased to see a large variety of organic produce available on the shelves! After purchasing goodies to make a pasta dish for our two hosts, we sauntered back to the house passing some coconut trees and an orange tree. 

Orange tree

Our meal was well received, accompanied by a glass of red wine, which left us feeling satisfied and happy! Funny - now that we've 'stopped' for a few days, we are feeling totally relaxed, replenishing our bodies over the next few days, before heading down to the Keys. 

Look Better, Feel Better

Happy, Fit, & Free !
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