Wednesday 30 July 2014

Day 15 - July 29th - Winnipeg to Thunder Bay

Rockies Trip - Day 15 - July 29th, 2014
Winnipeg - Thunder Bay

A long ride today.... covering the areas we traveled through on our way out. We did see some moose along the roadside (these animals were very elusive in Alberta and we didn't see any there at all). 

The saying, 'No Place Like Home' is true - no matter how much you've enjoyed the time away - and believe me - we had an awesome time! When we crossed the border back into Ontario, there was a feeling of home-coming. 

We still have a couple of things we want to do before we get home on Thursday evening - one of them on our bucket list, so we're looking forward to that on Wednesday. 

As we were on the road for so long, we took the opportunity to 'shoot the breeze' and found ourselves reminiscing about past experiences - mostly positive ones. When looking back at a past experience, we reactivate the vibration of it in the sense that the feelings we felt then can come flooding back. Having come to an understanding of how things work, we try to be careful what we give our attention to as we know that whatever vibrations we send out to the Universe, will be matched accordingly - whether we are thinking about the past, about the present, or about the future. What we think about and focus upon becomes a beacon of invitation, drawing other thoughts and circumstances into our experience that are similar. We caught ourselves talking about a couple of negative experiences and began to feel how 'off' that was. 

Not wanting to attract more of the same, we switched our focus to what made us feel good and so we were able to raise our vibration, once again, by remembering events that brought joy to us and people around us. 

In spite of some indicators that we may notice, life IS good, and whatever we may be going on in our lives, we still have a choice on how we respond to it. It may not be easy....  and life can be tough and challenging at times... but the choices we make will either enable us to move ahead to find a way to cope (and maybe thrive); or our choices will increase the disjointed feeling that comes from the lack of well-being. 

Some people may think that tending to your own feelings first is a bit selfish. This is not true - and I was reminded of this on our recent flight from Calgary to Winnipeg. During the emergency procedures that they run through before take-off, it was mentioned that if the cabin pressure suddenly fell, then oxygen masks would automatically drop down. The instructions were specific.... if you have someone with you who is less able (a child, or other dependent).... PUT THE MASK ON YOURSELF FIRST.... and then place the mask on the other. In this sense, when you look after yourself first, you are more able to be of assistance to others around you.

Personally, our family is going through a huge challenge right now. It's never easy to watch someone suffer - especially when you love them deeply. While acknowledging the reality of this challenge, we are going to try to focus on those things that tend towards well-being because, not only does it feel good to feel good, but we know that we cannot be of any use to others if we are not in a strong place ourselves. 

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