Tuesday 25 February 2020

A wonderful annual nod to the beginnings of Soccer...

A wonderful annual nod to the beginnings of Soccer

My oldest friend, Alan, sent this article to me today. He and his lovely wife live in Ashbourne, in Derbyshire, and we'll be visiting them in April when we start our 3 month trip to the U.K. He shared it because there is a wonderful tradition that is held every year on Shove Tuesday, in Ashbourne. 
When I was teaching soccer skills, I would mention to the students that the game of soccer started off in the middle ages, and that it was totally different from the game we know today. Having no rules, the goals would be placed at the opposite ends of the town, and the game would be played through the streets of the town, with everyone joining in. These events would often end in brawls and bloodshed, which probably accounts for the gradual introduction of rules and defining a  more limited space in which to play. 
I found this article so interesting that I felt it warranted a sharing with our followers. Hope you enjoy it: https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/ashbourne-royal-shrovetide-2020-3861795
I particularly had to chuckle at this quote from the article: 
"There's an infamous quote attached to Shrovetide that "there's only one rule - no murder". And it's a complete nonsense.
Of course, murder is frowned upon, but it's very important players and followers adhere to strict rules to ensure the game can be played by future generations."
My friend made sure that I understood that he would be there as an observer only! 
If only we had been going to the UK a couple of months earlier, we could have joined him!

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  1. Wow! That was an interesting fact, Alan! Thank you! I'm not much into soccer, but understand it enough that I got the jest of what you were talking about! I LOVE your blogs!! YOU'RE AMAZING xoxoxoxoxo

  2. The Blossom's!6 June 2020 at 05:27

    Well done Alan. Keep up the high standard and why don't you publish all your blog's in book form? Especially those about your travels. Would be ideal for tourists and visitors who would want to venture out into the lesser known areas of lovely Ontario. That could be the title?
