Monday 24 February 2020

Friday Night Routine - Nostalgic Memories of my Youth!

Friday Night Routine - Nostalgic Memories of my Youth!

At the risk of writing two nostalgic blogs in a row, but having just seen a picture on Facebook which precipitated a flooding of memories of my youth, I just had to share this glimpse into my past. 

Every school student looks forward to Friday afternoons - when the final bell went and you'd be free for two whole days, not including that delicious first evening. My anticipation and excitement would start to grow during that very last lesson, as I knew exactly what I would be doing after school. It had become an established routine.

After getting the bus home from school, I would get changed as quickly as I could and grab my bicycle (a cheap jalopy that my dad got from the rag and bone man - and how I LOVED that bike!)

Back in the day, we would set up a playing card with a clothes pin (peg) so that it would catch the spikes to create a rhythmic ride!

I would cycle for a couple of miles to a variety store (newsagent, in the U.K.) to buy the latest D.C. comics for that week, which had been imported from America. 

Martin's Newsagents (Variety Store) was one of my favourite shops. It's still in the same place, but looks very different now.

I'd probably buy about 10 comics, which would significantly deplete my weekly allowance (spending money), for sure. 

From there, I would cycle for a couple of blocks to the nearest fish and chip shop, where I would by a small order of chips (fries), watching them wrap them in plain newsprint paper ready for the journey home. 

The old fish and chip shop is now an Indian Restaurant

Once home, I would place the chips in the oven while I fried a couple of eggs. Sometimes, I would help myself to a serving of peas, or baked beans, but usually would opt for egg and chips. 

I perfected my timing so that, once the meal was ready, I could add a slab of buttered bread, grab a fizzy drink and disappear into the front room, set up a little table, and turn on the TV ready to watch a half hour of my very favourite cartoons, while thoroughly enjoying my little repast. 

Atom Ant

Precious Pup (my absolute favourite)

The Billhilly Bears
(For those who wish to see the brief intros to these three cartoons, here are some link: 

Atom Ant                     Precious Pup               The Hillbilly Bears

Program over, dishes washed and put away, I would look forward to the next couple of hours installed on the couch and devouring the next stories in the series of each of my comic books. When done, I would add them to the pile, sorted by title and issue number, and maybe reread some of the older issues - just for fun. (There were a few that had become my favourites!)

It's amazing how, while writing this blog, I have found myself reliving some of that excitement from years ago, with all the nostalgia it invokes. 

All in all, over the years, I had collected over 400 comic books, which were neatly sorted and stored in my bedroom. 

When the time came for me to leave home, in the early 70's, my mom persuaded me to sell the whole shebang at the local market in town. I think I may have gotten something around 5 GBP (which would be the equivalent of $90 today!). Today, on e-bay, they can sometimes go for around $10-$20 per comic - and I've even seen one that is on sale for nearly $43!!!

At the end of the each Friday, I would look forward to going to the Saturday Morning Pictures (movie theatre), and finish up the weekend by listening to the Top 40 countdown on my transistor radio on Sunday afternoon.

These were great days - and great memories which stir up fond emotions whenever they surface.
It's always good to cherish the memories, so long as we don't find ourselves wanting to live in the past!

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  1. oH MY FRIEND, THIS WAS hilarious! And I felt like I was right there watching it with you! Thank you for such a great blog! Love you tons!!! :-)
